Mobile App

Quantum Cube

Dec 2020
Internal Project
Product Design

A cloud based tool for a small community with a ton of passion.

#design #development
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A Niche with Passion

Did you know there is a community of about 200,000 teens and young adults that competitively solve Rubik's Cubes? The record is around 4 seconds, and getting good takes multiple hours a day of practice. Below we have a video of the previous world record holder.

A few years ago, my little brother got deep into the vortex of speedcubing. As his brother, I would often go and support him in competitions and events. I became enraptured with the tiny world that accompanied this hobby. It was like a mini “economy.” You had companies making different cubes to improve on speed, and different stores that competed for the loyalty of the cubers. At competitions, there was always an “elite” table, where all the biggest influencers, and world record holders sat together.

I saw this community as a great place to test out an entrepreneurial venture, as it was a small market that would be easy to win, but still diverse and global. After talking to my brother, we found that the best place to try making an impact would be the timers used by cubers to track their solves.

To get to the point where a Rubik’s Cube can be solved in 10 seconds or less takes hours and hours of repetition. With such a large time investment, cubers like to track thier progress as they practice, typically with a timer made specifically for the activity. All of the available timers were offline solutions, which meant that different histories were stored on different devices, and cubers were not able to have a unified image of improvement. Having built multiple cloud-based applications with my partner for our first consulting firm, we thought we could do this with relative ease, and it would be incredibly valuable to the community. 

I had never tried an entrepreneurial venture before, and working for different clients I accumulated ideas, but never got the chance to test them. I saw a golden opportunity to get on the playing field, and test my ideas directly against the brutal tides of the market.

The Process

This was the process I took in designing and building the application.

  • Researching the needs of our users and viability of current solutions
  • Creating personas
  • Drafting wireframes
  • Building a clickable prototype
  • Developing the software
  • Launching a beta test


To understand the needs of our potential users, I decided to make a survey and ask 42 cubers to fill it out at a competition. Some of the questions we asked were:

  • How much time do you spend practicing daily?
  • What is frustrating about current timers?
  • What could be done to improve the current timers?
  • How important is each current and potential feature?
  • What statistics give you the most insight into how you are doing?
  • How do you spend your time on social media?
  • What are your other passions and interests?

These are a few things we learned from the study:

  • The average competitor spends 1-2 hours a day practicing, but 16% spend more than 5 hours a day.
  • Cubers get lost in their solving session, so mindless usability is incredibly important.
  • Many solves are often just lucky. Thus, cubers try to evaluate themselves more through averages. In competitions, cubers are judged by an average of 5, where the best time, and the worst time is removed from the equation.
  • Cubers compare averages to individual records, and they compare current averages to record averages.
  • There are many different methods for solving a cube, and cubers like to compare times for different methods.
  • The most significant moments for cubers in practice are beating a record and getting their times below a specific whole second. (7.08s -> 6.89)


I found 3 basic types of users that participate in competitions.

Chris the Master’s Student

  • Name: Chris
  • Age: 25
  • Occupation: Masters Student
  • Description: Chris cubes for intellectual stimulation. He’s interested in new solutions for solving the cube, and chooses events that are mentally intense.
  • Problem: Since he experiments with many different solve methods, he wants a way to manage a variety of sessions, with customization.

Sam the Community Lover

  • Name: Nick
  • Age: 14
  • Occupation: High School Student
  • Description: Sam doesn’t get along with many of his friends at school, but he finds refuge with friends that meet up at competitions. They stay in touch by challenging each other over skype.
  • Problem: Many of his friends are cubers who only meet at competitions. Needs a way to keep in touch with cube friends long distance.

Max the Speed Demon

  • Name: Max
  • Age: 19
  • Occupation: High School Student
  • Description: Max has a genuine love for solving the cube as quickly as possible. He finds it therapeutic to turn the corners and goes to competitions to improve himself. He uses cubing as an escape and loves seeing progress.
  • Problem: Max can’t save a full session between devices and as a result can’t see a holistic picture of his improvement over time.

I decided that the “speed demon” was the most important person to design for, as these people tended to be influencers and record holders. Community lovers would probably follow the trends of the influencers, and the intellectuals would probably follow the trends of the record holders. Therefore, focusing design and marketing on the “speed demon” would yield the best adoption rates.

Teenager icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Student icons created by monkik - Flaticon

The Design

I set the following goals for the design of the application:

  • Flexibility for users with different solve styles
  • Data integrity for long periods of time
  • Quick and personalized onboarding
  • Minimize distractions from the present intention of the user

The screen diagram below illustrates how I layed out the application.


I wanted onboarding to be personalized but efficient, so users would feel at home in our app right away. There were a few event types that were common across the community, so I created a screen where users could select which of the events they participated in. Once onboarding was complete, the app would have all their sessions already created for them when they started tracking their times. Of course, users had the ability to add and update their individual sessions later. 

Session Selection

When it came to structuring the sessions, we needed to build for flexibility and data integrity. Cubers track their solve times across different events, which require different scrambles. They also use different solve methods, which require the same scramble. The timers in use by the community let users change scrambles mid-session, but I noticed that this polluted the data integrity. I thought users should have the option to create a session for any type of solve they would like and lock in the scramble type for that session.

Tracking Times

In competitions, times are measured using stack mats, which start and stop the time based on touch. Most timers mirrored this mechanism, and we decided to do the same. This was the screen where users were going to be spending most of their time, so to make the experience a little more pleasant, we added a nice little animation.

We provided users with options for the different tools that may have been needed while solving, including:

  • The 15 second inspection time competitors typically have in competitions
  • The ability to hide their times while solving if it distracts them
  • Manual time entry if users wanted to update their data from a different source.

Here is a preview of the animation when users hid their times.


Many timers on the market showed various statistics split across various modals, which are cluttered and difficult to navigate.To simplify how users measured their progress, and to remove distractions from the screen, I thought we should take all the statistics and place them on one screen, so that the user could shift from solving to evaluating progress without letting one mental context pollute the other. Three statistics (Personal Best, Current Average of 5, and Session Average) were evaluated more frequently, so I left those statistics on the desktop solve screen.


My preferred way of testing is using real-world observation. I give the user vague intentions, and watch the face for points of frustration or hesitation as they complete the task.

Before I talked to the users, I came up with a list of the daily actions that would happen while using the timer, with the intention of presenting these prompts while they used the prototype.

These are some of the prompts:

  • You want to take a solve.
  • You want to adjust your solve (incomplete solve.)
  • You want to change cube types.
  • You want to see how close you are to beating your record.
  • You want to compare your current time to your averages.
  • You just got a new cube.

Through their attempts, I would be able to get clear direction on how to improve the design. 

Lesson 1: People Need To Experiment

After first creating the design, I thought that my information architecture of sessions would account for what cubers needed. I discovered that not everyone wanted to save every solve. There were cases where logging times would pollute the data integrity of a session, such as when borrowing a cube from a friend, or experimenting with a different method.

To solve this we added a “freestyle” mode, where users could choose any scramble type, and all their history would be thrown away after they finished solving on it.

Lesson 2: Current Averages Fast

When we made the statistics screen, we knew which stats mattered to cubers, but we didn’t consider the order or frequency of how they would be checked. This didn’t matter too much on desktop, but on mobile, users had to scroll to see their stats, and people checked for averages much more frequently than they checked for records or history.

This was a simple fix, as we just rearranged the stat panels on mobile to match the general desired frequency of our users.

Lesson 3: Adjustments Aren’t Immediate

In competitive cubing, there are penalties for not completing the solve all the way, requiring an adjustment to the time.

  • If a side of the cube is more that 45 degrees away from completion, 2 seconds are added to the time. 
  • If more than one side is not aligned, a “DNF” or “Did Not Finish” is added, and the solve is counted as the worst of the averages. 

Even in practice, cubers like to mark when they get these adjustments, to retain the integrity of their solves. So, we added buttons under the time after they finished the solve. However, we found that the adjustments were rare enough that people would accidentally tap them more often than they used them to denote an adjustment to their time.

This also applied to the discard button, which gave users the option to remove the time from their solve history. This was definitely a button that needed a layer of prevention from accidental taps.

The solution was to remove the adjustment buttons from the main screen under the time, and move them to a detail modal showing the information of the specific time.


I know this is a design case study, but I was also proud of the work we did in marketing the timer.

To generate hype within the community, and draw followers to our accounts, we made a product launch video that introduced these features to the community.  We then sent that video out to all the emails we gathered from the research phase.

I knew from the survey that 39% of people at competitions were on discord, 41% were on Instagram, and 91% were on YouTube. The next network after the three was Twitter with 12%. This data gave me a strong conviction of where we should focus our social media efforts. When cubers on the community asked for a Reddit or Twitter, I knew it wouldn’t be a good use of our time.

The video successfully got people excited about our product, and I tried to drive that excitement into the social channels of the app. The idea was to create a community where people could share their anticipation of the product.

Once the timer was closer to completion, we took the timer to Nationals 2018 in Salt Lake City, Utah. I placed a lot of weight on this event, as many cubers would be there including the influencers and record holders. I prepared business cards with a simple value proposition, and placed it on every table, so everyone could check out what we were building, with a link to a small landing page with our launch video.

I then proceeded to go table to table, showing the timer to every competitor. I asked them if they would mind us recording their thoughts on the timer. The result was the following video.

One table at the competition was key. At the front left, a small group of “elite” cubers all sat together. These were the record holders and influencers of the community. Each of them had at least 50,000 followers, and the most popular person there had 300,000. If I could win that table, the rest would be easy.

Most people would have immediately gone for the influencer table, but these folks are used to people bugging them for autographs all the time. I tried to get the entire competition talking about the timer, before talking to the influencers, so they wouldn’t be discovering it, from the person trying to sell. Then, I started showing the timer at the table directly next to them. I invited some other people to start trying the timer, and was able to create a small crowd directly next to the influencers.

Eventually, they started wondering what was happening over there, and they joined the crowd as well. To my delight, the most popular influencer, JRCuber, asked us if he could put us in his vlog with 300,000 followers. 

We managed to get the timer on the Instagram of the organization responsible for organizing competitions, and a number of other vlogs. I was able to get 1700 sign ups for the beta just from this single event.


When I talked to different people about my start up and said I was making a timer for speed solving Rubik's Cubes, most people gave me weird looks. Most people imagine a startup to be an attempt to “change the world.” But with the research I did, I knew that this community was passionate and devoted. We closed the beta test at about 830 people, and the timer currently has about 1.5 million solves. So, each user has, on average, solved a cube 1875 times using our app.

This reflected the conjecture I had when first creating this app, that this was a small community, but incredibly devoted and passionate to this hobby.

The app had an incredible amount of positive feedback. When I showed the timer to different people, they consistently liked how visually clean it was compared to the others on the market. They found the session selection system intuitive, and the statistics screen informative.

Most of the work on the project entailed building the features cubers were used to from the other timers, but with the simplicity our users appreciated in ours.

I am proud of this project, as it made a small number of people happy and excited with their hobby, and genuinely improved their experience.

Another One...

See Other
